Faith Out Of Bounds

Oct 6, 2024    Pastor Mike Dyer

Have you ever felt the pressure from your culture around you not to "cross the line" when it comes to connecting with people? Maybe it's that whole mindset of "us and them," or because of social, economic, and historical differences, we stay "in bounds" all the time.


In Jesus' time, there was a lot of social tension between the Jews and their oppressors, the Roman government. They didn't like each other, and there were a lot of religious & social norms that kept them from too deep of interaction. 


But we see a story of a Roman soldier who was willing to step "OUT OF BOUNDS" with his faith and ask and trust Jesus to heal someone important to him who was very sick. This is the kind of faith Jesus is looking for, a faith that has no limits, no bounds, no preconceived ideas, a faith that steps "OUT OF BOUNDS" from the boundaries set by our differences and doubts... Just a big trust that Jesus has what is needed at that moment.

His faith had no limits, and neither should ours.